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Private Investigator Service Enquiries


Note Google and other map locations etc. from various customer areas may merely have representations to help customers find our online products and services and are not formal addresses for service and or to receive customers or correspondence. Please do not visit or send anything to map locations as you/it will not be received and map locations may contain unsubstantiated and uncontrollable details/information from third parties such as Google. We do not have offices and physical premises open to the public and generally you may not casually walk in off the street and receive a qualified private investigator on demand and or without prior consultation. We are now a boutique New South Wales online business providing services from NSW only and in line with our appropriate industry business practices, we provide contact, consultations and correspondence by telephone, email and or by appointment only. Please arrange to receive adequate consultation if you require further information about procedures, manner of service and correct and legal Australian private investigator practices.


Phone: +61 1300880642


Consultation: Please click here and order Investigation Phone-Email Consultation to arrange. For professional and qualified private investigation consultation and advice, our master licensed private investigator has more than two decades of experience, certification and accreditation most other private investigation agencies do not have and we have the skills to individually assess your case and provide you with comprehensive advice on investigations, surveillance, services, products and the next steps to take.

My Spy Private Investigators Consultation


Email: To make a brief enquiry by email, submit the website Secure Enquiry Form below: